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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring and IEPs

Happy Spring Everyone. 
It really is a great time of year now that I have completed the bulk of my IEPs for annual review.  This last month I was faced with the overwhelming challenge to write 18 IEPs and have 18 pre-IEP conferences with parents!  Since then, I have added 4 more students to my caseload so I have an additional four more IEPs to write by the end of June.  I guess writing four will be a walk in the park compared to the 18 I have already written. 
It can be a real challenge to keep all of the information organized when creating an IEP for each child that I work with.  I have created a template that helps me stay organized with all of the testing, data, etc. that I am collecting to write these documents.  My template is very simple but it really does help me stay organized to some degree. 
Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog!!!

    I forgot all about this sheet that you use..I need to make one! I miss you and hope you're surviving the end of the school year!

    The Eager Teacher
